Admission Process

Admission Process


 Registration and Admission to the various classes from kindergarten to Grade 12 is open from December of the proceeding academic year.

Kindergarten Section & Grade (Prescribed Age)

KG1: The child should be four years old, as of 31st March of the academic year

KG 2: The child should be five years old, as of 31st March of the academic year

Grade 1: The child should be six years old, as of 31st March of the academic year Grade level registration for admission to the new academic year commences from the last week of December each year.

In all cases, admission procedures laid down by the KHDA have to be adhered to. Students will have to register their names prior to admission.


As per the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) KG1 children registering for the academic year must be 4 years old by 31st March. For KG1 there is no admission test.

  • KG-1 : Age 4 to 5 year on or before 31/03/2020 for admission to the academic year 2020-21
  • KG-2 : Age 5 to 6 year on or before 31/07/2020 for admission to the academic year 2020-21
  • GRADE 1: Age 6 to 7 years on or before 31/07/2020 for admission to the academic year 2020-21



  • Passport Copy with stamped visa page of the student and the parent
  • Emirates ID Copies and originals of the student and the parent.
  • Annual or Summative Exam Results or Progress Report from the school last attended.
  • Conduct Certificate from the school last attended.
  • Transfer Certificate issued by the school last attended and attested by the Education Department of the concerned Country like: (1) Dist. Edu. Officer or Assistant Officer or the Board of Education and also attested by (2) the consulate in Dubai and (3) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of UAE.
  • It is mandatory to submit the child’s VACCINATION CARD (original with copy) to the school's Medical Centre.



Parent's Testimonials

  • I would like to thank all the teachers and the management who took the initiative of distance learning and to those working hard towards it. Online classes provide new experience to the studentsand also to overcome the pandemic. Students are able to interact with the teacher and friends and they feel like sitting in the class itself. Once again thank you GMS for giving the students a wonderful oppurtunity and experience.

    Thajuniza Jaffar (Rayan Jaffar 2B)

  • Distance learning is helpful as my kid is still can learn even during the epidemic situation.Great peace of mind as no travel and no exposure with outside. I am so happy to have miss Juhy Grace as his class teacher she is very helpful for me to clear my doubts regarding subjects.she is very motivative appreciating and giving equal importance to each and everyone in the class.

    Anju Sakhil (Aadhish A S, Grade 1 F)

  • During the current situation of lockdown , distance learning is the most convenient and safe source of learning for kids. We find that distance learning is also cost effective. I believe that distance learning have improved my daughters confidence level
    It was a very good thought that the School brought the idea of distance learning.The teachers are very helpful and cooperative.

    Aswathy Madanarajan (Shivani Liju Nair , V F)

  • We are here to Thank you for your effort, patience , time and doing best to our children.
    “We are enjoying distance learning. E learning is a sudden change but it’s
    happening in the most effective way in GMS .We want to thank our dear
    teachers who are working so hard to make this happen. 
    Children’s are active and have an interest to be there always.
    Main advantage of E-learning is flexibility in Learning.
    It’s distant learning but gives the feeling of a real classroom. My son enjoying it .

    Sana Hanas ( Muhammed Hanan 3-F)